How I got into Yoga

Yoga came into my life in the year of 2017. I was reaching a goal of obtaining my Associates of Science degree as I had majored in Early Childhood Education. One of the requirements was to take a physical education class. Not to sound lazy, but I didn’t want to do anything too physical. I was working full time at a preschool setting and going to college at the same time. For me, at that time, it was a lot for me. Yoga was part of the list that approves for physical education. I took one class, fell in love. I saw on the wall that it’s possible to get certified 200 hours in teaching yoga. I went for it. no questions asked. in 2019, I became certified 200 hour YTT. Best decision I ever made.

4 years later, I studied 300 hour yoga teacher training and I am now a 500 YTT yoga teacher. My business has boomed ever since. I appreciate Yoga and I appreciate myself to have seen myself evolve and grow within Yoga.


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